Thank you to our attendees, presenters, and sponsors. The 2024 Symposium was a huge success and we look forward to seeing you all in Scottsdale, AZ for the 2025 Symposium!

Each year, NAIRO and its member companies stage an annual symposium discussing the latest developments and trends in independent medical review. The Symposium delivers in-depth educational content, along with networking opportunities to meet and exchange ideas with others in the industry.
The theme for our 2024 event was “The Next Generation of Clinical Review,” highlighting changes and advances in the healthcare clinical review landscape.
NAIRO thanks the Louisiana Association of Self Insured Employers (LASIE), our State Partner Sponsor of the 2024 Symposium!

LASIE's mission is to unify for the promotion and protection of self-insurance as a right and to serve as a resource for leadership in the industry. LASIE was formed in 1991 to promote and protect the right of businesses to self-insure. The organization serves as a spokesperson at the state and federal level on issues affecting self-insures in all lines of self-insurance including workers' compensation, health, property & casualty, general liability, vehicle liability, fiduciary liability and maritime. LASIE acts as a statewide information service and educational forum for Louisiana employers.
LASIE advocates these ideas:
- Financially responsible employers should have the privilege of self-insuring
- Compensation programs should be administered fairly and responsibly
- Workers injured within the scope of their employment should receive adequate compensation and appropriate medical care
- Disputed claims should be adjudicated promptly and impartially
- The cost of providing compensation by the employer should be given proper economic consideration whenever compensation laws are considered.
